Do Almonds Go Bad? What You Should Know

Almonds are a popular snack that can be enjoyed anytime. They’re convenient, healthy, and delicious. If you’re like me and you have a bag of almonds sitting in your cupboard, you’re probably wondering, “do almonds go bad?”

The answer is yes. Almonds (and most nuts) do go bad. However, they can keep fresh for up to 1 year or more if you store them properly.

This article discusses what almonds are, whether or not they go bad, how to store them, and more. Keep reading to find out.

What Are Almonds?

Almonds are a type of tree nut. They grow on evergreen trees, and you can eat them raw, roast them, or grind them into flour.

Almonds have a high protein content, as well as vitamins and healthy fats. These properties make them an excellent snack for people who want to pump up their nutrition levels.

Because almonds are one of the most popular nuts in the world, there are many different kinds available for sale. They come in all shapes and sizes, and some varieties have more health benefits than others.

Do Almonds Go Bad?

Yes, but it takes a long time for them to do so. Almonds are one of the longest-lasting nuts, and they can stay fresh for several months if you store them properly.

They also come with a “best-by” date that is well beyond what you would normally see for most dry foods. As long as you keep your nuts in an airtight container and store them in a cool place away from direct sunlight and heat sources, they should last for a long time.

SEE: The Definitive Guide to Storing & Keeping Almond Butter Fresh

What Is the Shelf Life of Almonds?

The shelf life of almonds depends on whether they are shelled or unshelled.

Shelled almonds have a shelf life of 4 months at room temperature and 8 months in the refrigerator (35°F or lower). This number increases to 10 months if you store them in the freezer (0°F).

Unshelled almonds have a longer shelf life than shelled ones. Unshelled almonds will last up to 6 months at room temperature and 16 months in the refrigerator. If you keep them in the freezer, the shelf life increases to about 1and a half years.

SEE: Shelf Life, Expiration, and Storage Tips for Peanuts

Can You Eat Expired Almonds?

Yes, but they may not taste as good as they did. When it comes to food safety, almonds are not as sensitive as some other foods, such as milk or eggs. You can eat an expired almond with little concern for food poisoning, provided that it hasn’t shown any signs of spoilage.

The expiration date on the package is just a suggestion from the manufacturer about when it might start going bad. It’s not necessarily accurate that after that date, the nuts will go rancid or cause food poisoning if you eat them.

However, if there is mold on your nuts or if they show any other spoilage signs, throw them away immediately. If you eat rancid almonds, you could experience nausea and diarrhea. You may also have trouble breathing if you inhale too much of the almond gas released during rancidity.

How to Tell If Almonds Are Bad

Sulfur smell

If you open up your nuts and notice a strong sulfur smell, something has likely gone wrong with them. The same goes for any other foul odors like rotting or moldy smells. These are signs that your nuts may not be safe to eat, so discard them immediately.

Slimy feel

Bad foods often feel slimy to the touch because bacteria growth causes them to release fluids onto their surfaces. If your nuts feel slimy when you pick them up or poke at them with your finger, throw it away immediately.

Additionally, if the package is damaged in any way — for example, if there are holes or tears in the package, discard it immediately.

Rancid taste

Fresh nuts should have a pleasant taste with no hint of rancidity or mustiness. Taste your nuts and discard them if they have a rancid or off-taste. This means they’ve been exposed to high heat or humidity and have become spoiled.

Dark color

The color of your almonds should be bright and uniform. If your nuts are dark in color, they have gone rancid, and aren’t safe to eat anymore.

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How to Preserve Almonds


According to the USDA, keeping nuts cool will help prevent them from spoiling too quickly. Put your nuts in an airtight container, then place them in the refrigerator at 35 degrees Fahrenheit to make them last longer.


You can freeze your nuts by placing them in an airtight container and then putting the container in the freezer. When you’re ready to use them, just let them thaw at room temperature on a plate covered with plastic wrap.

If you have a lot of nuts to freeze at once, spread them out on a baking sheet and place them in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then transfer them to an airtight container or resealable bag and return them to the freezer until needed.


Drying is one of the oldest methods of food preservation and it’s still one of the best. Spread the nuts on a baking sheet in a single layer and bake at 150 degrees Fahrenheit until they’re completely dry. Once cooled, store the nuts in an airtight container or zip-top bag and keep it in your pantry.

SEE: Here’s What You Didn’t Know About The Shelf Life Of Walnuts


Can you get milk from almonds?

Yes, you can. To get almond milk, all you have to do is grind some almonds, add water, and strain the mixture into a cup. You can also add other ingredients such as vanilla extract, dates, or honey to give it added flavor and sweetness.

Are almonds healthy?

Yes, they are. Almonds are full of protein, fiber, vitamin E, and heart-healthy fats. They have many health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease, and helping to control blood sugar levels.

Do almonds contain calories?

Yes, they do. Almonds are high in calories, so you should eat them in moderation. On average, one ounce (28 grams) of almonds contains 161 calories and 13 grams of fat. If you eat too many of them, you may gain weight because they pack a lot of calories into a small package.


Almonds are one of the most nutritious food sources available in nature. They contain a significant amount of healthy fats, vitamins, and protein.

Like all other nuts, almonds don’t last forever. You can keep unshelled almonds for up to 1 and a half years and their shelled counterparts for up to 10 months.

Just be sure to keep an eye on their condition and if you notice any foul smell or other spoilage signs, discard them immediately.

Thanks for reading.

To know more about the shelf life of nuts, visit Cheffist today.