Does Taro Have Caffeine? Find Out Here

No, traditionally made taro tea does not have caffeine in it. However, if you’re modifying your taro milk tea to include ingredients like green or black tea, then there will surely be caffeine in it. 

Find out how to make the famously tasty taro milk tea, when it does include caffeine, and required ingredients. 

What is taro milk tea?

Taro milk tea is a bubble milk tea that originated in Taiwan. However, while it is known as a milk tea, taro traditionally does not contain tea and is primarily made using the taro root. 

The taro root is a purple-like tuber that somewhat resembles a potato and can be made into paste or powder form. 

Taro milk tea owes its sweet and delicate flavor to the taro root as well as its distinct purple color. While its taste might bear a semblance to that of the sweet potato, it also features traces of a nutty and vanilla flavor in the mix due to additional ingredients. 

What is taro milk tea made of?

Common ingredients used in making the taro milk tea include either the taro powder or taro root, a sweetener, and creamer for that extra thickness and satisfying taste. 

As stated above, taro milk tea is not traditionally or regularly prepared using tea (green tea or black tea). 

SEE: The Difference Between Creamer And Milk

What does taro tea taste like?

Traditionally made taro milk tea tastes somewhat like sweet potato with a hint of jelly beans, vanilla, and buttered popcorn. 

Taro milk tea also makes use of a sweetener, tapioca pearls, and creamer to make the taste more delightful and sweet.

When making use of the taro powder instead of the taro root, the milk tea features a blend of tastes you can describe as nutty, jelly-bean-like, caramel, and milky. 

Yes, I understand this taste is rather difficult to imagine, but that’s exactly how distinct the taro milk tea’s flavor is. Its distinct and rich taste is also what makes it so popular in tea shops. 

SEE: What Does Chai Taste Like? Find Out Here

Is taro tea safe during pregnancy?

Yes, taro milk tea is relatively safe for consumption during pregnancy unless it contains caffeine. 

Although taro milk tea is made using a natural root extract that lacks caffeine, adding black or green tea to the ingredients will make it caffeinated. 

You should completely avoid caffeinated drinks during pregnancy. 

Is taro tea vegan?

No, traditional or regular taro milk tea is not vegan because it contains non-vegan ingredients like milk. 

Also, the commercially produced taro powder may contain other non-vegan ingredients. 

You can make your taro milk tea vegan by substituting oat milk or almond milk for the creamer or milk. 

SEE: Pizza Hut Vegan Options: The Healthy Choice

Is taro tea herbal?

Yes, taro milk tea is somewhat herbal as its major ingredient is taro root extract or taro powder. 

This root extract in addition to the sweetener, tapioca pearls (optional), and creamer is what makes up the delicious taro milk tea. 

Is taro tea healthy?

Although very tasteful and quite satisfying, taro milk tea is not one of the healthiest tea options due to its high sugar content

Taro milk tea is however worth it when enjoyed occasionally as a treat. While the sugar content might be a cause for concern, taro milk tea still has some great health and nutritional benefits. 

The taro milk tea is rich in magnesium, vitamin B6, fiber, and potassium. Fiber is known to prevent heart-related diseases, promote digestive health, and control blood sugar levels. 

Consuming the taro root can also help in weight management as its high fiber content keeps you satiated for a longer period. 

Does taro milk tea have nuts?

No, taro milk tea does not traditionally contain nuts. While its taste has somewhat been described as nutty, taro milk tea mainly consists of a sweetener, creamer, and taro root or taro powder as its base.

Is taro tea gluten-free

Yes, the taro milk tea is gluten-free as all ingredients used in making it such as the taro powder and tapioca pearls do not contain gluten. 

However, keep in mind that some commercially produced taro milk tea blends may contain ingredients with gluten. 

How is taro milk tea made? 

To make your taro milk tea, you can either choose to use fresh taro root or taro powder. 

Using taro powder

To make your taro milk tea using the taro powder, simply pour the powder into a cup, add your creamer, then mix it with your desired amount of water

The taro powder already has other flavors and a sweetener mixed into the powdery blend so you don’t actually need to sweeten it. 

Using taro root 

Compared to using taro powder, making taro milk tea using the root consumes more time. 

To make your taro milk tea using the taro root, simply follow these steps;

  • Cook the fresh taro root for a short period and blend it into a fine liquid. 
  • Add creamer or milk of your choice to the mix
  • Put in your sweetener but don’t make it too much as the taro root is naturally quite sweet. 

You can also modify your taro milk tea to include black-colored tapioca pearls and jasmine green tea. 

Note that using the taro powder will give the taro milk tea a purple-like color while the fresh taro root gives off a natural pinkish or whitish-grey coloration. 


Is taro bubble tea safe for diabetics?

Taro milk tea or bubble tea is not safe for diabetics as it contains dangerously high amounts of sugar. Excessive intake of taro milk tea could also result in type 2 diabetes. 

How much sugar is in taro milk tea?

The average amount of sugar in taro milk tea sold commercially is 22 grams. This technically measures up to about half of the sugar content in a can of soda. 

Is taro bubble tea the same as taro milk tea?

Yes, taro milk tea and taro bubble tea are quite the same as they use the same ingredients. However, while taro milk tea uses pre-made taro powder, taro bubble tea uses the freshly blended root and has a much thicker and granular texture.


Often touted for its rich nutrients, fiber content, and delectable taste, taro milk tea or bubble tea is definitely a treat worth enjoying. 

It also does not contain caffeine which makes it a beverage that both kids and adults can enjoy. However, its dangerously high sugar content makes it a beverage that should not be taken regularly.

Finally, do you need help with information on the type of creamer that will go well with your taro milk tea? Here is everything you need to know about creamers.

I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.