How Many Grams In 6 – 12 Cups Of Rice?

Cups of rice are standard measurements for many recipes. But have you ever considered the grams in 6,7,8,9,10,12 cups of rice? Perhaps you have but couldn’t get the correct answers; the good thing is you’re not alone in this.

It’s important to know your rice measurements so that your dish turns out just right, especially if you’re following a recipe from another country. Here’s a quick guide to help you through.

What does “grams” mean in rice cooking?

Grams are a unit of measurement for weight. It is often used to measure things like flour, sugar, and butter. When it comes to cooking rice, the grams in 6 – 12 cups of rice will tell you how much the uncooked rice weighs.

Now that we know what grams mean let’s get into those numbers gradually.

What are conversion tables/charts?

Conversion tables or charts are used to convert measurements from one unit to another. And they will give you a close estimation that you can easily work with.

For example, you might use a conversion chart to convert cups of rice to grams and vice versa. 

Can conversion tables be trusted?

Yes, they can be trusted. When it comes to converting measurements, you can always use a conversion table. But be warned, they are about 98.999% accurate. That’s because different brands of rice can have slight variations in weight.

One cup of uncooked rice from Brand A might weigh 20 grams more than the same cup from Brand B. So if you’re following a recipe to the letter, it’s best to check with the specific brand that the recipe uses.

If you can’t do that, or if you’re making up your recipe, then the conversion table will give you a close enough estimation.

How many grams in 6 cups of rice?

Rice Grams
White long rice1110
White medium rice1170
White short round rice1200
Brown rice1140
Basmati rice1170
Jasmine rice1170

How many grams are in 7 cups of rice?

White long rice1295
White medium rice1365
White short round rice1400
Brown rice1330
Basmati rice1365
Jasmine rice1365

How many grams in 8 cups of rice?

White long rice1480
White medium rice1560
White short round rice1600
Brown rice1520
Basmati rice1560
White short-round rice1560

How many grams in 9 cups of rice?

White long rice1665
White medium rice1755
White short round rice1800
Brown rice1710
Basmati rice1755
Jasmine rice1755

How many grams in 10 cups of rice?

White long rice1850
White medium rice1950
White short round rice2000
Brown rice1900
Basmati rice1950
Jasmine rice1950

How many grams in 12 cups of rice?

White long rice2220
White medium rice2340
White short round rice2400
Brown rice2280
Basmati rice2340
Jasmine rice2340

What are the easiest ways to measure grams?

Grams can be measured in a few ways, and the most common way is to use a kitchen or food scale.

When measuring ingredients for cooking or baking, it is always best to use a food scale for the most accurate measurements. This is especially true when baking rice, as even a slight difference in the amount of an ingredient can impact the final product.

Finally, measuring cups and spoons are less precise and should only be used as a general guide. 

Using a kitchen scale

  • Place the rice in a bowl on the kitchen scale.
  • Tare the scale (set it back to 0).
  • Weigh the rice in grams.
  • Note the weight of the food item in grams. 
  • Adjust as necessary depending on how much you need to measure.

Using measuring cups or spoons

  • Use a conversion chart to convert the recipe measurements to grams. 
  • Measure out the rice using cups or spoons.
  • Convert the measurement to grams using the chart. 
  • Divide the total grams by the number of servings. For instance, if the recipe makes four servings with 200 grams of rice, each serving would be 50 grams.

Does a kitchen scale measure in kilograms or grams?

A kitchen scale is a small, portable device used to weigh ingredients and other food items.

You can use them to measure the weight of uncooked rice, and it is important to have one handy when cooking because many recipes require specific measurements.

A kitchen scale, especially a digital model, can measure in kilograms, grams, millimeters, or fluid ounces. The most common measurement for cooking recipes is grams, but some use kilograms.

If your recipe calls for kilograms, you can either convert it to grams or use a kitchen scale that measures in kilograms.

How to read a kitchen scale weight

If your kitchen scale only measures in grams, it’s easy to read the weight. Just put your item on the scale and check the measurement. For example, if you’re measuring rice for a recipe and it says “12 grams,” then you know you have the right amount.

However, if your kitchen scale measures in kilograms, things are a bit different. The first number is how many whole kilograms there are, and the second is how many grams are over that number.

For example, let’s say you’re measuring 2 kilograms and 12 grams. The “2” would be the number of whole kilograms, and the “12” would be the number of grams over two kilograms. In other words, you have 2,012 grams of rice.


How much uncooked rice will you need for six servings?

Around 3 cups generally. This is because one cup of uncooked rice amounts to about 2 cups of cooked rice that can feed up to 2 people conveniently, either as a side dish or a main dish.

How many calories are in 10g of cooked rice?

Thirteen calories are in 10g of cooked white long-grain rice.

SEE: How Many Calories Is In A Plate Of Rice

Should you weigh rice in grams or ounces?

Yes, but it depends. The most common measurement for cooking rice is grams, but some use ounces. If your recipe calls for ounces, you can either convert it to grams or use a kitchen scale that measures in ounces.

Will one cup of white rice have more mass than one cup of brown rice?

No, it won’t. This is because white rice has had its bran and germ removed, leaving only the starchy endosperm. While brown rice still has its bran and germ, which add to its mass. Both types of rice will expand and have a similar volume when cooked.

SEE: If Rice Is Filling Or Not


Now you know the grams in 6 – 12 cups of rice, and it’s still a good time to remind you that the weight of rice can vary slightly depending on the brand.

If you’re following a recipe to the letter, it’s best to check with the specific brand that the recipe uses. Otherwise, you can work with the values from the conversion table.

Thank you for reading.

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