Transformative Techniques to Clean Your Kitchen

Do you know there are simple but effective transformative techniques to clean your kitchen? The kitchen is an essential integral to your home. It’s where friends and family come to gather around a table, share food, and converse. But guts and gore take over when cleaning time comes.

Yes, your kitchens can be transformed into something sparkling and alluring with a little bit of elbow grease. Cleaning your kitchen can be fun. It doesn’t have to be arduous work. You’ll learn all the transformative techniques you need here today.

Effective Practical Procedures To Clean Your Kitchen

1. Get all you need for your kitchen cleaning first.

Attempting to discover chemicals, dishcloths, wipes, and so on gobbles up time as well as expands the danger of interruptions so you fail to remember what you were going after in any case.

2. Use the principle of division of labor.

Train your relatives to clear and wash their plates after every feast. This basic demonstration doesn’t take a lot of time, yet it makes the work of dishwashing a lot simpler.

3. If you have a twofold sink with waste disposal on one side, utilize the removal-free side.

Keeping the removal side freedom of thought permits you to scratch extras down the channel rapidly while you work. The water ought to be as hot as possible endure as it will cool as you use it.

4. Scratch off all the dishes into the refuse or waste disposal.

On the off chance that you don’t have a twofold sink and your removal is hindered, scratch the dishes off onto a filthy plate.

5. Spot dishes that need to splash into the water.

Pick the dishes that will give you or your dishwasher the most difficult to get perfect. Put the intensely dirty dishes on the base. Fill enormous dishes like skillets and bowls can with hot foamy water and set them on the counter to douse.

8 Kitchen Cleaning Hacks Anyone Can Use

Cleaning your kitchen should not be an arduous task if you know the basic things to do. Here are the hacks you simply use to clean up your kitchen fast:

1. Empty Your Dishwasher and Sink

This is a critical step to transformatively cleaning your kitchen. Ensure you’ve eliminated all dishes and spoons from your machine. Clean your sink immediately with soap and rinse after.

If the dishwasher is filthy (of which it would be), make certain to clean it separately from your different dishes so you can get back to cleaning them once your dishwasher has been fixed.

Remove stagnant water and perform a check on the drain hose. All this should be done meticulously to avoid damaging the washer. In this process using a wiper is necessary to clean dirt or stains.

2. Clean Your Cabinets and Fridge

Along the lines of your countertops, cabinet and fridge are stains that you should not neglect. Soil and residue are removed and choose to stay on the surface. You should be certain to tidy it up. In the kitchen, you may start with cleaning your cabinet before moving to your fridge. Not cleaning your countertops will make your kitchen environment tidy and uninviting.  

Kitchen: Transformative ways to clean your kitchen

3. Clean Your Chopping Boards

A transformative way to clean your kitchen is to make sure three times a month you clean your chopping or cutting boards whether you use them or not. It preserves the material used in making the boards be it wood or not. To clean your boards apply oil at random areas then wipe thoroughly.

4. Use Big Trash Cans

Using a big thrash can is a relative guide to follow. This is because your kitchen might not be as big as it can accommodate a big trash can.  Similarly, using a huge trash can makes you comfortable taking time before disposing of the waste even before it gets filled.

Making use of a big trash can simply helps you avoid littering your kitchen due to excessive waste that might overfill a smaller. If using big trash makes you lazy to dispose of the waste set a time during which you will do such. It could be at two days intervals.

You can also decide to design your kitchen creatively to allow your trash hidden and not consume space.

Kitchen: Transformative ways to clean your kitchen

5. Sweep the Floor

Sweeping the floors is a mandatory process of cleaning. The floor is unique in bringing out the spice of your rooms. Transforming your kitchen by cleaning the floor is basic and you must at every single time it becomes dirty. Sweeping does not require any training or great effort. Just use the broom as basic.  

6. Clean Your Cook Wares

Transformative ways to clean your kitchen involve you applying some chemicals to your cookware for thorough washing and quick removal of tough stains. Sure you did not know this. Soap and water are not enough to do justice to the cleaning of your cookware.

Two recommended cleaning agents you can use are:

  1. Baking Soda
  2. Bar Keepers Friend

7. Use Vinegar to Unclog Faucet Heads

Vinegar is an ingredient that can work wonders in your kitchen. Not only does it taste great in many dishes and dressings, but it also has a number of other uses that are helpful around the house. One of these is cleaning gunky faucet heads. Vinegar can dissolve soap scum and buildup on your faucet heads and make it easier to unclog them when they become clogged up with debris.

8. Lemons Work Magic on Your Microwave

Using your microwave has its benefits, but it also leaves it loaded with germs and smells. This can be a problem for anyone who has allergies or sensitivities to cleaning chemicals. Fortunately, lemons are a natural disinfectant and lemon juice contains citric acid.

Add up to four organic lemons to water in a bowl and microwave on high for five minutes to soften the fruit rinds. The steam will heat the water enough to cook the lemons while they clean your microwave. Simply wipe down your microwave with vinegar and water after soaking up as much of the lemon juice as possible with paper towels.


Which products should you use on your cabinets?

Use vinegar and baking soda for simple cleaning and lemon juice can be used as a counter-top cleaner.

Where should you start cleaning your kitchen?

Begin with the floors and some heavy-duty cleaning products. Make sure you clean all the corners of your kitchen thoroughly.

How often should you clean your kitchen?

Every day or weekly, provided your daily activities and weekly schedules permit.


For some, a clean kitchen is worth more than gold, and for others, maybe not so much. If you are in the former category, I hope that these transformative techniques to clean your kitchen will spark some new ways to keep it clean with minimal stress on your part.

Generally, it requires consistency and hard work most time to take your kitchen from a place where you dread spending time to a place that you look forward to spending time in. It’s the little things that make all the difference, after all. Even if you’re perfectly happy with your current cleaning methods, it’s never too late to try something new.

Want to learn more about having a nice time while preparing your favorite dishes in your kitchen? Read how you can measure portions with your hands in the kitchen.

I hope you found this guide helpful. Thank you for reading.