Parboiled Rice vs White Rice: What’s The Difference?

Rice, no matter what, is a staple diet for more than half the world’s population. And the world has reached the point where people can distinguish between different varieties of rice, knowing both the nutritional and health benefits.

Both parboiled and white rice has some of the best flavors when it comes to taste among the other varieties. Both have the same purpose, to nourish your body and provide maximum nutrition. However, some differences make the two types of rice vary from each other.

In this article, I will extensively discuss Parboiled rice vs White rice, the differences, nutritional value, health perks, and downside.

What is Parboiled Rice?

Parboiled rice also known as Converted rice, is partially pre-cooked rice. This parboiling happens when you soak, steam, or dry rice while it is still in its inedible outer husk. Parboiling makes it easier to remove the husk of the rice. The process also improves the texture of the rice, making it fluffy and less sticky.

Nutritional Information of Parboiled Rice

A 100-gram serving of parboiled rice contains;

  • Calories: 125
  • Fat: 0.5 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 27 grams
  • Protein 3.5 grams

Parboiled rice is also a source of iron and calcium.

Health Benefits of Parboiled Rice

1. Improve Gut Health

The starch in the parboiled rice acts as a pre-biotic, which is highly beneficial to your health. This pre-biotic acts as a sort of fertilizer that encourages the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut.

This pre-biotic produces micro-organisms, and having the right balance of micro-organisms in your gut can positively impact your health.

2. Reduced Risk of Diabetes

Parboiled rice has a lower impact on your blood sugar levels, making it a safer choice for people with diabetes than all the other varieties.

3. Easy Digestion

Another benefit of parboiled rice is that it is easily digestible. Since the starch in this rice grain is more gelatinized, it is quickly metabolized.

4. Builds Skin Health

Parboiled rice contains a large amount of phenolic acid with antioxidant properties. This phenolic acid help protects against cellular damage and repair already damaged cells.

SEE: How to Keep Your Skin Healthy

Potential Risk of Eating Parboiled Rice

Eating parboiled rice is safe. However, eating any food in excess may become dangerous. There are a few side effects of eating parboiled rice. They are;

1. Obesity

Excess consumption of parboiled rice will undoubtedly lead to weight gain and obesity. The number of calories inside may have some side effects if accumulated.

2. Excess Arsenic

Like other rice, parboiled rice contains high inorganic arsenic, and excess arsenic may result in diarrhea, muscle cramps, nausea, and vomiting.

What is White Rice?

White rice is milled with its husk, bran, and germ layers removed. The milling process of white rice alters the flavor and texture. It is the most widely consumed staple food for the human population, and it is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production.

SEE: All You Need to Know About Ground Rice

Nutritional Information about White Rice

A 100-gram serving of white rice contains;

  • Calories: 130
  • Fat: 0.3 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 27 grams
  • Protein: 2.7 g

White rice also contains small quantities of sodium and potassium.

Health Benefits of White Rice

1. Boost Energy

White rice is abundant in carbohydrates, and this carbohydrate is converted to energy, used by your body to aid optimal brain functioning.

2. Controls Blood Pressure

Since sodium causes veins and arteries to constrict, increasing the stress on the cardiovascular system while the blood increases. The low sodium level makes white rice an ideal choice for those suffering from high blood pressure and hypertension.

3. Prevents Cancer

The rich insoluble fiber in white rice help protects against cancer. Many scientists believe that such insoluble fibers are vital in protecting cancerous cells.

SEE: If White Rice is Healthier Than Fried Rice

Potential Risk of Eating White Rice

While white rice is healthy, excess intake may increase risk. These risks include;

1. Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

The glycemic index of white rice is a bit on the high side, and a steady intake may result in a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.

2. Obesity

Excess intake of white rice does not positively affect your waistline either. One risk is adding unwanted weight, which eventually leads to obesity.

Difference Between Parboiled Rice and White Rice

There is two major difference between parboiled rice and white rice. They are;

1. Nutritional Value

They both have different amounts of nutrients since the refining and preparation of these two varieties of rice are entirely different. The refining process dramatically influences the nutritional values they both offer your body.

2. Flavor

The taste of white rice is wholly altered due to the milling process. White rice has a distinct flavor, shape, and texture, which differs from parboiled rice.

Parboiled Rice vs White Rice, Which is Healthier?

Parboiled rice has fewer calories, fewer carbohydrates, more fiber, and more protein. It is pretty evident that parboiled rice is a healthier choice than boiled rice.


Which rice is better, basmati rice or parboiled rice?

Basmati rice is better than parboiled rice and is healthy.

Does white rice have arsenic?

Yes, it does, white rice has a fair amount of arsenic in them.

Can people with diabetes eat parboiled rice?

Yes, people with diabetes can eat parboiled rice. Parboiled rice has a low glycemic index, making it okay for people with diabetes to eat.

How long does it take to cook parboiled rice?

Parboiled rice takes 25- 30 minutes to cook.

How long does it take to cook white rice?

White rice takes 15 – 20 minutes to cook.

SEE: The Rice Measurements For 100 – 1000g Of Rice

Conclusion: Parboiled Rice vs White Rice

Parboiled rice is a better option than white rice when discussing the health benefits. But remember that post-cooking of parboiled rice steals away most of its nutrients.

Nevertheless, parboiled rice and white rice are both very healthy to consume. You can also try some other healthy grains such as brown rice and jasmine rice; they are healthy and aid weight loss.

Hope you enjoyed this article, for more tips on your weight loss diet, you should see if chicken and rice are weight loss friendly.

Thank you for reading.