Swedish Pancakes vs Crepes: How Are They Different?

If you cannot distinguish between the differences and commonalities of Swedish pancakes vs crepes, the debate will go on indefinitely.

While they resemble French crêpes, there are slight variations that distinguish them. Swedish pancake batter contains higher milk, butter, and egg to flour ratio, resulting in something lighter and softer than crêpes.

If you want to understand more about Swedish pancakes and crepes, keep reading until the end because it explains why the two pancakes are not the same.

What are Swedish pancakes?

To create thin cakes that can be rolled up or folded, Swedish pancakes are made from a thin, egg-rich batter cooked in a skillet.

Today, anything goes, but traditionally, it is served with jam—either lingonberry or strawberry—and whipped cream. You could also eat pancakes with maple syrup or fresh fruit.

SEE: Is Pancake Bread?

What are crepes?

The word crêpe comes from the Latin word crisp, which means “curly.”

The French pancake known as a crepe, also spelled crêpe, is made of a thin batter made of flour, eggs, softened butter, salt, milk, and water. It is typically served with a sweet sauce or garnish of sugar.

There are many different sweet and savory fillings for crepes. When making a crepes Suzette, the crepes are folded in half, dipped in an orange liqueur-flavored syrup, and frequently displayed at the table.

SEE: At What Griddle Temp Can You Make Pancakes?

Swedish pancakes vs crepes

When you take a bite, the difference is obvious, even though it can be challenging to distinguish visually.

Because there are more eggs, less flour, and no butter in crepes, which makes them denser and chewier. By using less flour and more eggs and butter, Swedish pancakes are lighter and fluffier. This makes a significant difference.

The serving style is also unique in that Swedish pancakes are typically served with whipped cream and your choice of jam; customarily, lingonberry or strawberry are the preferred options.

Contrarily, since French crepes can be filled with both sweet and savory ingredients, it’s not unusual for people to eat them with fruit, hazelnut spreads, or a steak, spinach, and mushroom mixture.

Additionally, crepes were first made in Brittany, a western French region, where they were served for dinner. The dish was initially made with savory ingredients that were not too sweet. These ingredients stuffed on the pancakes were normally served on plain or flatbread.

Later, the region experimented with sweet fillings and substituted white flour for the traditional buckwheat flour used to make savory crepes, allowing the dish to be represented as dessert.

Cast iron skillets are better suited for cooking crepes than non-stick frying pans. There are crepe-specific pans that many French households not only own but also often use, proving that in France, crepes are a staple of family gatherings.

SEE: The Difference between Pita vs Flatbread

What are Swedish pancakes called?

Its name is Plättar in Swedish. It is a tiny, thin pancake made of flour, butter, milk, salt, and sugar that is very well-liked in Sweden and Finland. As they cook, plättar tends to spread out.

Norwegian pancakes vs Swedish pancakes

Banneker Norwegian pancakes are much thinner than the ones most Americans eat and are more akin to crepes when slathered with melted butter and maple syrup. Also, they are far different from Swedish pancakes.

Danish pannkaker is the nearest in comparison to Swedish pannkakor, although Danish pannkaker is slightly thicker and eggier.

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How do you reheat Swedish pancakes?

You can reheat your pancakes for about 20 seconds in the microwave or for about 30 seconds on each side in a medium skillet.

Swedish pancakes recipe

The best way to enjoy your pancakes is to use real butter rather than margarine. In this manner, when you start to cook pancakes, you can get the full effect.


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 14 cups of milk
  • 4 ounces of all-purpose flour
  • White sugar, 1 tablespoon
  • Salt, 1/2 teaspoon
  • butter, or as required, 1 tablespoon


  • Using an electric mixer, beat eggs in a bowl until they are thick and lemon-colored, about three to five minutes. Add milk and mix.
  • In a different bowl, sift the flour, sugar, and salt. Add to egg combination and stir to make a smooth batter.
  • Butter should be used to coat a griddle before heating. Spread the batter on the griddle in tablespoonfuls to create thin pancakes. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes or until the bottom is lightly browned.
  • Cook again for an additional 1 to 2 minutes after flipping, or until the second side is light brown. Continue making pancakes by using the residual batter.

SEE: Can You Make Bisquick Pancakes Without Milk?


Are Swedish pancakes healthy?

Given that it is a whole grain pancake, you might say it is healthy. They resemble crepes but are much smaller.

The pancakes don’t have any added sugar. Just add some fresh berries to the top to keep them healthy.

What does crepe taste like?

The slimness of a crepe is due to the lack of a rising agent in the absence of baking powder. Additionally, they typically contain less sugar, which gives them a taste that is less sweet and more subtly egg flavored.

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What are Swedish pancakes made of?

Swedish pancakes are lighter and creamier than crêpes because the batter for them has higher milk, butter, and egg to flour ratio.

Who invented Swedish pancakes?

Swedish pancakes have likely existed in Sweden for a very long time. They were first discussed in an Olaus Petri publication from 1538. Although, making pancakes back then wasn’t as simple as it is now.


People unfamiliar with the two dishes might be in for a shock if they order the French specialty at a fast-food place and were expecting a big, fluffy stack similar to the American breakfast food. Many people mistakenly think that crepes are simply France’s equivalent of pancakes.

While the ingredients for crepes and Swedish pancakes are similar, some significant distinctions between the two produce remarkably different patterns in the pancakes’ thickness, fluffiness, and weight.

As a result, the two are distinguished by the ingredients: crepes have more flour and fewer eggs, while Swedish pancakes have less flour and more egg.

Thanks for reading.

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