Do Raisins Go Bad (Or Not)?

Do raisins go bad? You’ll find many different answers to this simple question. Most of them are complex and technical. But don’t worry, because I am here to give you a quick and simple answer.

The answer is: Yes, they do. But not as fast as you think. On average, raisins can last for six to nine months after opening.

This article discusses everything you need to know about raisins, including what they are, their shelf life, and how to preserve them. Let’s get started.

What Are Raisins?

Raisins are dried grapes that come in a variety of colors. You can eat them alone or add them to recipes like cookies, cakes, and bread for extra flavor.

The most common types of dried grapes used for raisins are Thompson seedless, flame tokay, Muscat Hamburg, and black Corinth.

These varieties are specifically for drying because they have thicker skins than table grapes, so they’re less likely to shrivel up during the drying process. They also have fewer seeds than table grapes, which helps keep the texture of the fruit intact after drying.

You can buy raisins in the produce section of your local supermarket. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, including black and purple. They’re also available in bulk at health food stores and online.

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Do Raisins Go Bad?

Yes, they do. However, raisins will last for a long time if you store them in an airtight container away from direct sunlight and moisture. Once opened, you should refrigerate or freeze them immediately to prevent spoilage.

If you have some raisins that have been sitting in your pantry for a while, then it’s important to check the expiration date on the package before eating them. If the date has passed or if you notice any signs of spoilage, throw away the package immediately.

What Is the Shelf Life of Raisins?

Unopened raisins can be kept at room temperature for up to 3 months past their best-by date and in the refrigerator for up to 4 months past their best-by date. If you store them in the freezer, they will last for up to 6 months past their best-by date.

The shelf life for opened raisins is about 6 months if you store them at room temperature. If you find yourself with extra raisins after a large gathering or event, you can refrigerate them for up to 7 months or freeze them for up to 9 months.

It’s also important to note that sulfured raisins will last longer than their unsulfured counterparts. Sulfured raisins are treated with sulfur dioxide gas before being packaged and sold in stores.

Sulfur dioxide gas is a preservative that helps keep foods from spoiling after drying. It does not affect the taste or texture of the fruit, but it affects how long it will keep for storage.

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Can Expired Raisins Make You Sick?

Yes, they can. Expired raisins can make you sick if they’ve been exposed to bacteria or mold spores during storage or transportation. The longer the expiration date has passed, the more likely it is that the raisins will make you sick.

If you have a package of expired raisins and decide to try them, there’s no guarantee that they’ll still be safe to eat. Take a sample of one raisin and examine it carefully to make sure that it’s safe to eat. This is especially important if you have allergies that could be triggered by bacteria or mold spores.

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How to Tell if Raisins Are Bad

Expiration date

The expiration date on the package is the date that the manufacturer believes the product will go bad. This means that your package is likely to go bad once it has reached that date.

Check your package for an expiration date and compare the dried fruits to when you first purchased them to see if they’re still good.


If there is any condensation in the container, then the content might not be safe to eat because moisture can cause bacteria growth. If there is no visible condensation in the container, then you can continue checking for the other signs.


If you can’t tell whether your product has spoiled just by looking at it, smell it instead. The aroma should be pleasant — not sour or rancid like spoiled milk or cheese. If the product doesn’t smell pleasant, it’s time to throw it away immediately because it’s no longer edible.


Raisins should not have a bad flavor. If you taste them and notice a musty flavor, do not eat them and throw them out immediately. Also, the rancid taste can indicate bacterial contamination or mold growth on the raisins’ surface.


A raisin should be dark brown, golden brown, or red when it’s fresh out of the package. If you notice significant color changes — for example, if your dried fruits seem to be light brown or green — there could be something wrong with them.

Mold growth

If you see white or black spots on your product, throw it away immediately because it’s likely to have mold spores. Mold will also cause the dried fruits to smell musty and sour rather than sweet and fruity as fresh ones do.

Soft texture

If your dried fruits have turned soft and mushy, they are likely past their prime. In this case, it’s best to discard them immediately to avoid getting sick from eating spoiled food.

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How to Preserve Raisins

Store in the pantry

The easiest way to preserve dried fruits is to put them in an airtight container and store them in the pantry. This method works well because it prevents any bugs or pests from getting into the food product.

It also prevents any moisture from getting into the fruits, which would cause them to spoil faster than normal.


If you don’t plan on eating your raisins for a while, put them into an airtight container and refrigerate them. However, keep in mind to separate them from smelly foods like onions to prevent them from contacting bad odors.

When you are ready to use them, simply thaw them on the countertop or in the microwave.


Freezing raisins will prevent them from going bad and make them last longer. However, freezing may affect the texture of your fruits, so it’s best not to freeze them if you plan on eating them raw (for example, for snacking).

Dry them out

If you don’t like the above options, try drying your fruits instead. This is a good choice if you plan to use them in baked goods, such as cookies or cakes. Simply dry the fruits in an oven or dehydrator before putting them away in an airtight container or bag.

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Are raisins nutritious?

Yes, they are. Raisins are high in protein and a great source of vitamins C, D, and B6. They also contain dietary fibers and minerals such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

Are raisins just dried grapes?

Yes, they are. Raisins are the dried version of grapes. Manufacturers make them by removing the seeds from fresh grapes, and then drying them in the sun or an electric dehydrator.

Do raisins contain sugar?

Yes, they do. The main concern with raisins is that they contain high amounts of sugar, which can cause problems when you consume them regularly.

But keep in mind that raisins also contain minerals and vitamins — both of which are essential for good health. And because they’re so small and easy to chew, they’re a good alternative to chewing gum or candy when you have cravings for something sweet.

Where can you get raisins?

You can find raisins at most grocery stores. If you can’t find them at your local store, ask an employee if they can order some for you. You can also buy them online through Amazon and other websites.

Are raisins the same thing as sultanas?

No, they’re not. Raisins are dried grapes in their natural shape, while sultanas are dried grapes that are cut into small pieces before drying. Both types of dried fruit are packed with vitamins and minerals, as well as have many important health benefits.


Raisins, like most dried fruit, can go bad if not stored properly. They will last longer if you keep them in an airtight container and away from direct sunlight and moisture.

You can tell if these dried fruits are past their prime by inspecting them closely. If they smell bad, look discolored, or taste bad, they’re probably bad. Also, check for any signs of mold and condensation before eating them.

If you have any doubts about the safety of your raisins, toss them out and buy new ones.

Thanks for reading.

Visit Cheffist for more articles on dried fruits.