So you bought a once hot and freshly baked bread but due to some reasons, you’re unable to eat it in time and it is now expired. Now, you’re looking at this stale loaf of bread and wondering if it is still safe to eat or could kill you.
It is generally okay to consume expired bread within a certain time frame even way past its expiration date. However, this answer also depends on the condition of the bread.
While stale bread is still generally safe to eat, there is a point when bread stops being edible and can pose a risk to your health.
Find out how long it takes before expired bread stops being edible and now poses a risk to your health.
Can you eat bread 10 days after the expiration date?
Yes, you can eat bread 10 days after it has expired although you will need to be careful about what you’re eating. While bread can last for about 3 to 7 days after expiration, there is a risk of mold growing in it if not properly stored.
However, to safely eat bread 10 days after it has expired, keep it in a freezer. While it loses some of its flavor and freshness, it still remains safe for consumption.
SEE: How Long You Should Keep Cooked Pasta in the Fridge
Can you eat bread 2 weeks out of date?
Yes, you can eat bread that is 2 weeks out of date if it was properly preserved and does not have molds growing on it.
What happens if you eat expired bread?
Depending on how long it has expired, you either suffer from food poisoning or chew through stale bread that has lost its flavor and freshness.
Also, to suffer from food poisoning as a result of eating expired bread, the bread would need to have started producing molds. The molds in expired bread create mycotoxins (fungal toxic chemicals that can cause diseases or death in humans or animals), which can upset your stomach and lead to digestive problems.
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When Is Bread No Longer Safe for Consumption?
Bread is no longer safe for consumption when you start seeing molds form on it. This is because the molds formed can create mycotoxins that may cause your body harm when ingested or inhaled.
Additionally, mycotoxins are capable of causing cancer, liver damage, and birth defects when ingested.
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What Makes Bread Become Moldy?
Keeping your bread in a moist or humid place will make it moldy. This is because moist or humid places are the ideal environment for mold (fungal) spores to grow.
Additionally, the best way to prevent your bread from turning moldy is to store it in a paper bag or cloth bread bag away from sunlight, oxygen, and heat. Furthermore, you can store it in an airtight container or freezer.
Can Expired Bread Make You Sick?
Yes, consuming expired bread can make you sick especially if mold has started forming on it. Eating bread that has changed in its appearance, is stale, moldy, or has developed a completely different taste is a setup for food poisoning.
Additionally, food poisoning as a result of eating moldy bread could lead to you experiencing symptoms like; vomiting, stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea.
SEE: These Food Poisoning Signs You Don’t Know
How would you know if Bread is Expired?
You can detect if your bread has expired when it either has visible molds on it or has a strange taste. Also, when you can clearly see molds on your bread, it is best that you avoid smelling or sniffing it to avoid inhaling the spores which may be harmful.
However, if you cannot see molds on it but notice that it does not taste right, then it is best to trash it. Other ways to know if your bread has expired are through its texture (it becomes hard) and odor.
How would you know if bread is moldy?
Bread is moldy when you start seeing white, green, pink, or black fuzzy spots on it. At this point, it is best you throw the entire loaf away instead of trying to peel off the affected spots. That is because while they appear on the surface, they also have roots underneath.
Is It only expired bread that goes stale?
No, even fresh bread can become dry, moldy, or stale if it’s not properly sealed and stored. Also, while stale bread can be eaten, it would have lost all the appeal that comes with fresh bread like its aroma, taste, and texture.
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What is mold?
Mold in foods like bread is a fungus that absorbs nutrients and grows fuzzy spots known as spores.
Additionally, molds are capable of causing respiratory or allergic symptoms if inhaled or ingested. These symptoms include itching, difficulty breathing, headache, sneezing, runny nose, fatigue, and watery eyes.
Can moldy bread kill you?
Yes, although it is very rare, moldy bread can in the long run cause death if not treated. Additionally, it can cause other life-threatening conditions and even cancer.
When kept at room temperature, freshly baked bread has a short shelf life of 3 to 7 days. It ultimately loses its freshness and becomes stale once it gets past its expiration date. However, it is still relatively safe to eat as long as it has not started growing molds.
Also, If you find mold in your bread, do not attempt to eat it but you should rather discard the entire bread. This is because molds release harmful mycotoxins that could cause life-threatening conditions.
Furthermore, sealing and storing your bread properly either by freezing or refrigerating, is known to increase its shelf life and prevent the growth of mold. Storing bread in a freezer can keep it preserved and safe for consumption for up to six months.
Finally, here are other ways you can preserve your food items to prevent food spoilage, mold growth, and food poisoning.
I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.