See How You Can Turn Food Scraps Into Food

As the saying goes, waste not, want not. Today, I’m going to walk you through how you can turn your food scraps into food.

Have you ever thrown away leftovers from a party that was just so delicious? Or what about the vegetables leftover after you’ve cooked a great meal? These things are tasty and nutritious, but end up getting thrown into the trash.

The good news is, not anymore. There are ways to avoid food wastage; all you need is to learn how to turn food scraps into another tasty dish.

Turning food scraps into food requires creativity and patience and I will show some of those foods you might have wasted and how you can turn the scraps into different tasty dishes.

1. Turn your yard into a garden

If you look closer at some of your food items, you would notice they have tiny seeds. These seeds can be grown in your garden or farm.  It is however not wrong to throw them away but to achieve maximum management, the seeds can be gathered to be planted all over again.

For instance, the seeds from your pepper can be grown to get new sets of pepper for your dish again. If you don’t have much space in your yard, you can make use of your empty grocery jars.

SEE: Easiest Ways to Reuse Your Grocery Jars

2. Get creative with breadcrumbs

Bread is one of the common foods that get wasted easily. But do you know you can make a lot of food from your breadcrumb? Yes, you heard me right.

You can turn your leftover bread into the following foods; Acorda, Kvass, Firfir, bread pudding, Bischocho De Cana, Bahn Chuoi, and Popara. Let me show you how to make some of these foods.

How to make Acorda with bread crumbs

To turn bread scraps into an Acorda; you have to mix your bread crumb with olive oil, garlic, and coriander. This delicacy is enjoyed by the Arabians during the yearly fasting period known as Ramadan.  

How to make Bread Crust with bread crumbs

From your bread leftovers, you can make your bread crust. All you have to do is pick every slice you intend to trash into a bowl. Get your blender ready, rinsed, and well-arranged. After this, you put all the leftover slices into the blending bowl and blend.

It is a perfect way to save you the stress of buying bread crusts from stores. With this knowledge, you can have your bread crust ready to be used for any other meal recipe.

How to make Cinnamon Sugar Bread Crusts with bread crumbs

Your kids will love this. Did you know from your leftovers, that you can make a Cinnamon sugar bread crust meal? If you have eaten a Cinnamon doughnut you will relate so well.

After your crust has been gotten from the blender, you pour it into a bowl ready to be mixed with sugar and cinnamon. Oh la la,  you will have one of the best meals to serve your children at lunch.

How to make Bread Crust Pudding with bread crumbs

This is a lip-smacking deal for grandma. She will pray for you deeply from her heart. Your leftovers can be transformed into a bread crust pudding. Hmm, yummy!  To make your pudding you need to get in handy this recipe of milk, butter, cinnamon nutmeg, salt, and eggs.

After you mix it properly in your cooking bowl, put it in your oven at a temperature of 350oF. In about 40 minutes, your dish is ready. Serve hot for grandma.

How to make Croutons with breadcrumbs

I also have an irresistible deal for vegetarians. Your bread leftover is a good recipe to make croutons. My friend once told me that he never bought croutons right from the time I told him this hack to make one himself. Make your desired crouton at home having it all-natural and well-seasoned compared to the one you do buy in stores.

How to make Pakoda with breadcrumbs

Let’s go far away into common Asia. Ever heard of bread crust Pagoda? It is an Indian food eaten casually by inhabitants as street food. Oh yes, you are thinking right. It can be made from your leftovers too. You can try it out and thank me later.

How to make Butternut and Feta Quiche with bread crumbs

Another tasty meal we can get from bread left over is the Butternut and Feta Quiche. It is made from scraps of wheat bread. When making this dish, you do not need to use dough rather you replace it with bread crumbs after you have gotten it from your blender. What a smart way to improvise and be creative.

SEE: Amazing Korean Side Dishes You Need to Know About

What about Cheesecake?

Yes, you can make a cheesecake from bread. I told you that creativity is key in turning your scraps into food. To turn your bread left over into a cake – you have to cook the crumbs in garlic and butter before adding them to your cake recipe. Then bake to your desired texture.

Sit tight because we are not done exploring how we can turn bread scraps into delicious meals.

Food scrap

For your Vegetable Pasta

Your breadcrumb is a good addendum to your vegetable pasta. It gives it a crunchy texture. It could also be a tasty recipe for a seafood mixture. To make your crumb tasty for your seafood, add garlic to it and fry it. When you are done,  mix the fried crumbs with fresh herbs and spray sparingly on your seafood.

Bread scrap is a perfect option to use to thicken your soup when you feel like it or you realized the water in your soup is a bit too much. Just like what you did to your vegetable pasta, you could add that crispy and crunchy layer to fish and meat with your bread crumbs. Nice, right?

SEE: This Here Is the Calorie Count for Sunflower Seeds

Is that all you could do with your breadcrumbs?

Should I tell you that your meatball is not complete without the use of bread crumbs? It must have a crunchy feeling and you can only achieve this with your bread crumbs.

Other things you can do with your bread crumbs include transforming pizza topping, holding your crab cakes together, adding the crunchy feeling of the French cassoulet, and making your bean dish by mixing with olive oil and garlic.

3. Become adorable with Broccoli’s leftover

Trust you want your partner to love you more for preparing an irresistible and sumptuous meal. Because it worked magic for me the day I prepared delicious broccoli straw (from broccoli leftover of course) for my wife before we got married.

Food Scrap

Want the same magic? Pay attention to how you can do so. Get your recipe ready – salt, pepper, broccoli stems (any amount you wish to use), 4 ribs of celery, lemon juice, apple, mayonnaise, and olive oil.

Except for your apple, broccoli, and celery, whisk other ingredients properly with salt and pepper. After this, you can put the mixture as a topping onto your apple, broccoli, and celery after you have combined them. Bon appetite, you have your straw served.

4. Don’t waste your Chickpea’s water

You can use your chickpeas in the preparation of dishes such as tomato stew, pasta e Fagioli, scrambled eggs, burgers, masala, macaroni, faux tuna salad, garlic soup, vegetable pilaf, red pepper hummus, and ginger hummus.

After making any of these, what do you do with the water? Look at how you can turn your chickpea water also known as “aquafaba”  into a meal.

The water of your chickpeas can be used as a replacement for eggs after it has been whipped and turned into eggs. Do not think you can use it as a replacement for eggs on your rice or pasta. Rather it is best for cakes, fries, salad, and cookies.

For measurement, you can use three tablespoons of chickpea water as a replacement for a whole egg and two of them as a replacement for egg white.

SEE: How To Measure Portions With Your Hands In Your Kitchen

5. Don’t put your Citrus or Orange peels in the trash bag

The orange peel is also one of the most dynamic food scraps that can be used to recreate any other consumable. The most popular usage these peels undergo is the additional flavor they add to food when you use them together. The zest gives food desirable flavor and sweetness. When making your pies or cake, be sure to add the orange zest to give your family a lip-smacking experience.

It gives your coffee and tea that slight change in sweetness. You can try it out at your next coffee preparation. It could also be used to make brown sugar and to make your lemon sugar soft. Some other uses it grants is that of using the peels to clean pots and as pest repellants. How versatile the orange peel can be.

SEE: Read This Cookbook to Find Out If You Can freeze Ginger


How can you make sure your scraps stay fresh?

You can keep them in your fridge or freezer, depending on their nature. Check out the list of the foods you can freeze.

Isn’t it easier to just throw your food scraps away?

Not really. Because when you toss your food scraps in the trash, those scraps end up in a landfill.

Final Thought

There is a lot that you can do with your food scraps and avoid them from going straight to the trash. You can make natural fertilizer, chicken feed, and even compost. Whatever food scraps you have, you don’t have to throw them away. You can turn them into something else entirely.

Nowadays our planet faces different pollution problems. Especially, the growing population in the world makes this problem more vivid and significant. People are afraid that all resources of the Earth are limited, and someday it will become impossible to live on this planet.

For this reason, some people try to recycle as much as possible to make the best use of what we have today. You can also join the movement following those above ways to turn food scraps into food. After all, it’s a collective responsibility to preserve our planet.

Finally, are you looking to spend less and save more on your grocery shopping? Here are ways you can purchase your groceries at a discount without breaking the bank.

I hope you found this guide helpful. thanks for reading.