Loosely translating to ale, beer, stout, IPA, or lager, liquid bread was originally invented as cheap meals by monks as a source of nourishment to keep them during intense fasting periods.
However, today, liquid typically refers to beer in general.
This article helps you understand what beer is, its history, its benefits, and why it is called liquid bread.
What is Liquid Bread?
Liquid bread is a beverage created mostly from cereal grains (mainly malted barley), though maize, oats, and rice are sometimes used. During its production process, the starch sugars in the malt barley ferment and leads to carbonation and the production of ethanol.

Also, liquid bread is among the oldest and most consumed alcoholic beverages in the world. It is also the third most commonly taken drink in the world after water and tea.
Today, however, liquid bread, also known as beer, sometimes contains hops which act as a stabilizing agent and natural preservative and also add that bitter flavor to it. Additionally, fruits, herbs, and gruit are other flavorings commonly used in the place of hops.
Brief History of Liquid Bread
Liquid bread was invented about 700 years ago in the town of Einbeck, by German monks. The monks sought a drink that would help nourish them during intense periods of fasting. The end result was a dark, malty, high alcohol beer which was called Bock (a corruption of the town’s name Einbeck).
However, after being unhappy about the nourishing strength of the Bock-style beer, a stronger variant called Doppelbock (double bock) was created. Doppelbock was so nutritious that it got the nickname “liquid bread.”
Why is Beer Called Liquid Bread?
Beer is called liquid bread because the ingredients used in making it are similar to bread and provide a great deal of nourishment and nutrients.
The nutrients present in beer may include potassium, selenium, biotin, phosphorus, B vitamins, chromium, and magnesium. However, although the nickname of beer is “liquid bread”, it is not really a meal.
Is Liquid Bread Healthy?
Yes, liquid bread or beer according to some studies is healthy when consumed in moderation and can help lower the risk of heart disease.
These studies also claim that consuming about one or two beers daily can help improve heart health better than wine actually does in the same alcoholic range.
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What are the Health Benefits of Liquid Bread?
Beer is a great source of minerals that is also loaded with antioxidants and vitamins. In fact, some studies have listed potential health benefits that you can get as a result of drinking moderate amounts of beer.
Some of the potential health benefits associated with drinking beer include;
Lowers the Risk of Having Type 2 Diabetes
Drinking beer in moderation may help lower the risk of having type 2 diabetes. It also helps diabetics control their blood sugar levels effectively.
In fact, a study showed that taking one or two low alcoholic content beverages daily could reduce the risk of having diabetes by 50%. This benefit is even much stronger when the beverage has a low-sugar content.
So paying attention to your choice of beers might do you some wonders. Examples of low-sugar beers include light beers.
Promotes General Heart Health
Studies conducted have also suggested that taking one or two beers daily can help you lower the risk of heart disease. Also, beer can prove more effective in improving your overall heart condition than wines with the same alcoholic content.
A study showed that one beer per day for women reduced the risk of general mortality while about one to two beers for men offered the same results.
Warning: This does not mean you should guzzle down every beer you find.
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It Strengthens the Bone
Alcohol generally when taken in moderation can help your bones. This means that drinking moderate amounts of beer can benefit the bones of both men and women alike.
However, this benefit drastically reduces when you exceed the recommended amount of beers and go beyond two beers daily.
Can Diabetics Drink Beer?
Yes, alcohol or beer is mostly safe for people with diabetes as long as it’s taken in moderate amounts. That means as a woman you should not exceed one drink while men should never go beyond two drinks.
Also, if you are on diabetic pills or insulin that is capable of dropping your blood sugar and causing hypoglycemia, avoid drinking beer. This is because alcoholic drinks can also reduce your blood sugar levels even 24 hours after you drink them.
However, If you take your beer with a source of carbohydrates and check your blood sugar regularly, you can avoid this side effect.
Note: The standard measurement for a drink of beer is 12 ounces.
SEE: If Diabetics Can Eat Cheesecake Without a Sugar Spike
Disadvantages of Liquid Bread or Beer
From the potential of becoming a chronic alcohol abuser to weight gain, certain risks come with drinking beer.
Can Reduce Life Expectancy
Research has shown that heavy drinkers suffer a reduction in life expectancy by up to 28 years. Also, heavy alcohol consumption or chronic abuse of alcohol can significantly increase the risk of death from all-cause mortality.
Can Cause Liver Disease
Consuming more than two bottles of beer daily can lead to liver cirrhosis (chronic liver damage) and reduce your liver’s ability to detoxify the blood.
Weight Gain
Most beers are rich in calories, hence drinking excess amounts regularly can result in significant weight gain, especially around the waist. In such cases, “pot or beer belly” describe people with this type of weight gain.
Additionally, this phenomenon of waist gain around the waist by alcoholics has been confirmed by some studies.
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Can Lead To Addiction
Alcohol is another substance besides narcotics and sugar that has the potential to increase your dependency on it. Be cautious when taking beer or other alcoholic beverages as they can lead to addiction and chronic alcohol abuse.
What are the Types of Liquid Bread?
Liquid Bread or Beer exists in the following variations;
This is the oldest and one of the most popular variants of beer that also has sub-variants like pale ales or brown ales.
Similar to porters (a type of dark ale), stouts are roasted ales with a very dark appearance. They also often possess a very bitter taste as a result of wort being added to the roasted unmalted barley. Also, stouts have a less sweet taste than porters and are known for their thick and foamy heads.
Also known for their roasted malt aroma and dark black color, porters are another form of ale that may have a dry or fruity flavor. Their taste is mostly determined by the types of roasted malt used in brewing them.
Lagers are newer forms of beer that are quite different from ales. These differences include the fact that lagers ferment for a longer period under lower temperatures, and also rely on bottom-fermenting yeasts that perform the fermentation process at the bottom of the tank.
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Wheat Beer
Easy to drink and light on the taste buds, wheat beers are known for their hazy body, smooth flavor, and soft taste. They also tend to taste like citrus or spices. The unfiltered wheat beer or hefeweizen remains one of the most common wheat beer styles.
Sour Ale
Made from wild yeast just like the sourdough bread, sour ale is an ancient beer style whose popularity recently began to increase.
Are there gluten-free beers?
Yes, there are gluten-free beers that are relatively safe for people who have celiac disease or sensitivity to gluten.
Examples of these gluten-free beers include; Copperhead Copper Ale, Redbridge Lager, and Buck Wild Pale Ale.
SEE: What Gluten-Free Beers Are – A Cheffist Analogy
Can vegans drink beer?
Yes, beer is suitable for vegans and vegetarians as it is made from hops, yeast, barley malt, and water, and does not contain animal products.
What is the difference between root beer and regular beer?
Although it consists of yeast, water, sugar, and spices which makes it similar to regular beer, root beer isn’t allowed to ferment, making them kid-friendly.
However, not all root beers are kid-friendly, as some strong versions also exist.
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Beer is made from cereal grains, a food that was pivotal in helping humans evolve and survive on this planet. It’s also more than just a thirst-quenching beverage or an alcoholic beverage for that matter. It’s a food, a drink, and occasionally even an ingredient in other dishes.
Furthermore, beer is for more than just drinking—it can be a flavorful addition to meals at home, and create unique pairings with food. This and many more reasons have earned it the nickname “liquid bread”.
Finally, would you love to enjoy tasty beers or specialty drinks with your meals at an affordable price? Check out the drinks menu offered by Texas Roadhouse.
I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.